
Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Regretful Choices

something pushes me away
i fall back into,
a pit of darkness

i keep falling
without hitting the ground

a spot of light i can see,
far above
it doesn't disappear
gives me hopes of crawling my way up
but still i keep falling

i close my eyes
and images from my past
flashes in front of me

memories of good and bad times
reminiscences the life i've been living
regrets i do have,
about pain i've caused

these regrets within me
should have been made into apologies
which would have not led me here

but it was not to be
as the ego was too much
to accept the fact,
that it was my fault

now i realize
how fragile everything is
and one mistake could,
end it all
in an instance

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did u get into some kinda situation... whr ur life flashed b4 ur eyes or something??!!